Passionate Minister or Passive Professional
Those of us called to full time ministry all have “that moment.” That moment when we were so passionate about seeing people come to know Jesus and seeing them grow up in him that we couldn’t stop thinking and talking about it. We all had that moment when doing anything but ministry seemed unfulfilling,…
The 12 Essentials of Church Communications
The church is the hope of the world. As church leaders we have the responsibility of communicating the greatest message known to mankind; the only message capable of changing a person’s entire eternity. The weight of that responsibility is both profound and incredible. It moves us to action and demands that we communicate it…
2 Tips to Tell Better Stories & Why Telling Stories Is Your Greatest Tool
People have an infatuation with stories. The recent Manti Te’o situation once again proves that. People love a good story. If it’s heartwarming, it’s even better. We all have a story. We are stories. We have things that happen to us and those around us that are great stories to tell. Whether those stories…
Are You Craveable?
My pastor and friend, Artie Davis, releases his new book in just a few days. Having read this in the process of him writing it, I can vouch for how great and challenging of a book it really is. It’s one of those “make you think and ask the right questions” kinds of books.…
Why Everyone Else Is Evil!
We all do it. It’s part of our fallen state. It plays a special role in pride. It can make us feel on top of the world. It can make us feel at the bottom of the food chain… In a matter of minutes… seconds. What is it?
3 Reasons You Should Tweet in Church
I came across this article (thanks to @ScottWilliams) on twitter yesterday. You can read it for yourself, but it seems as though President Obama sent a tweet, or at least had a tweet scheduled to send, during the prayer service before yesterday’s inauguration. The White House denies that Obama actually sent the tweet while…