• What Floats Your Boat?

    What Floats Your Boat?

    As the waters rose higher and higher above the ground, the boat floated safely on the surface. (Genesis 7:18 NLT) I love the imagery is this passage of scripture. This is a beautiful picture of God’s grace in Noah’s life. God reaches out to Noah, instructs him, and protects him along the way. While…

  • Reaching The World: Millennials Don’t Want Your Packaged Faith

    Reaching The World: Millennials Don’t Want Your Packaged Faith

    I read this article last week from fastcompany.com. Basically, the article says that today’s generation (millennials/geny) is buying less stuff. The reason, the article says, is because stuff is available anywhere and everywhere. Whatever we want (theoretically), we can get no matter where we live or who we are. So, companies and businesses have…

  • Eye On The Prize: 2 Reasons Goal Setting is Important

    Eye On The Prize: 2 Reasons Goal Setting is Important

    A couple of Saturdays ago, I ran my first ever road race. Not a marathon or even a half marathon, but a 12k… 7.5 miles. I actually did a lot better than I thought I would going into it. There’s something about running with a bunch of other people (probably a little bit of…

  • 3 Things Young Leaders Should Have On Their Schedule

    3 Things Young Leaders Should Have On Their Schedule

    Being a young leader (or any kind of leader) can be an overwhelming duty. Being young and feeling like you’re always trying to overcome your lack of experience or life experience can make it even tougher. The challenges that come with leading anything require much of us. We care about the vision. For those…

  • Has Jesus Changed You?

    Has Jesus Changed You?

    Most of us that have been in church know the story of Peter. Peter was out finishing a long day of fishing when Jesus hijacked his boat and began to teach a crowd from it. After Jesus gets done teaching, he tells Peter to go out into deeper water. Peter, having just finished a…