Leader: Use Your Influence Wisely
We’ve all seen it. It goes something like this… A person with God given leadership ability and charisma uses their gifts and influence to gain something personally. Maybe it was for something that would lead to a moral failure. Maybe it was for something they thought they just had to have at the time.…
Why You Aren’t Leading People to Jesus and People Aren’t Coming Back
People want to feel like they belong. No matter who you are or what kind of personality you have, you like to feel connected to someone or something. Sure, you may get your energy from being alone, but in the end, you have to be connected with something or someone in order for it…
What Should Young People Know?
I came across this article a few days ago. It lists 25 things that young professionals should know. Some of the examples really resonated with me. Maybe that’s because I’ve exprienced the result of NOT knowing them. :-) Here are a few of the items it listed…
Do It Right. The First Time
Several weeks ago, Melissa and I had a little plumbing problem. It wasn’t a big deal. One of those things that we just couldn’t fix, so we had to get someone else. Luckily, we haven’t been in the home that long, so we called our home warranty service. They sent someone out just a…
Young Leader: It’s OK to Admit It
One of the most misunderstood concepts about leadership is that leaders can’t show any sign of vulnerability or softness. As young leaders, this is something that we feel makes us a good leader. The second we appear to be less than all knowing or tough skinned, we begin to think we’re lacking in leadership…
12 Things We Should Never Forget
We tend to forget the important things. When life gets in the way and we get in our routine, it can be easy to forget all that we should always remember. Holidays allow us to reflect a little. Take time today and remember what you should never forget. Never forget…