• 3 Wrong Places We Search For Our Identity

    3 Wrong Places We Search For Our Identity

    One of the most common problems in our society today and for us as young people is the problem of identity. We struggle to know who we are and we struggle to remember who we are in Christ. The result is that we often look for that identity in things that aren’t stable enough…

  • What My Dog Teaches Me About Being Close to God

    What My Dog Teaches Me About Being Close to God

    If you have a dog that lives in your house, you know what it’s like to drop a crumb on the floor and not have to pick it up. If you have a dog, the dog will usually get to the potato chip or the bread crumb much faster than you can bend over…

  • Young Leader // People Won’t Follow You Until They Trust You

    Young Leader // People Won’t Follow You Until They Trust You

    As young leaders, we often get the idea of leading and influence wrong. Somewhere along the line, we’ve been convinced that leading means we tell people what to do and they follow willingly. We have this concept in our head that they’ll follow us because they have to or because we have a title.…

  • God’s Silence Doesn’t Indicate His Abandonment

    God’s Silence Doesn’t Indicate His Abandonment

    Everyone has that chore that they just hate doing around the house. You know what I’m talking about. That chore that you and your spouse wait on the other one to do. You always try to wait each other out on doing. For some of you, it’s the trash. You hate taking the trash…

  • 3 Things We Can All Learn From 1 Big Typo

    3 Things We Can All Learn From 1 Big Typo

    We’ve all done it. We’ve hit “send” on that email or we’ve hit “publish” on that post or “print” on that card or document without realizing the glaring typo smack in the middle of it. It happens to everyone. It happens far to often to myself. Several months ago, I was on a Delta…

  • Hurting? God Still Hears Your Prayer

    Hurting? God Still Hears Your Prayer

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