…But the Lord…
…because the Lord was with him; and whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper. (Genesis 39:23) At the end of Genesis 39, we read that The Lord was with Joseph. If you go back and read that chapter and see it in context, it kinda feels like the Bible is lying to us.…
10 Things 20 Somethings Should Do
The world is a fast changing and quickly evolving place. For those of us that are young, it can feel like its impossible to get ahead. The temptation can be to only look at ourselves and think of our own interests. We can’t operate like that… We shouldn’t at least. Here are 10 things…
Change How You Do Without Changing Who You Are
There’s an common saying in ministry that says, “The message doesn’t change, but the method must.” That’s a great principle. It means that as churches and ministries, we have to constantly be listening to God’s lead and be in tune with culture and the people we’re trying to reach. It means we have to…
Why Your Smartphone Isn’t Ruining Your Relationships
We live in some great times. The potential we have for connectivity, relationships, and information is at an all time high. If we choose to be, we are connected to the outside world all of the time. Our smart phones have gotten so smart, that they’re seemingly smarter than us. Any smart phone on…
When A Little Is Enough
It’s a scene that would do great in a Hollywood movie or on a stage somewhere on Broadway…. – Jesus has just healed a man with leprosy. – LEPROSY! – that’s not a small cold, that’s a big deal and Jesus did it without any problems. On top of all that, He asked the…
When Silence Speaks
In the silence we find who we’re really meant to be. It’s tough, I know. It’s tough to find the time, the moment, and the place to get quiet. It’s tough to slow down the world around us and step aside for a little while. Tasks, responsibilities, work, and the people around us often…