3 Quick Tools To Boost Productivity
Reminders (iOS) If you have an iPhone, the reminders app is a gem in hiding. It’s not pretty and not effective as a stand alone productivity system, but it’s great at adding quick reminders. I use Siri with Reminders more than any other app. “Remind me to call Dan at 10am.” “Remind me to…
New Next Up Podcast: H Is For Honor
This month on the Next Up Podcast, we’re tackling the subject of honor. In light of Kevin Durant’s MVP acceptance speech and in light of our generation’s tendency to ignore honor, we thought we’d talk about what honor is, who we should honor, how we should honor, and why it’s important. You can subscribe…
3 Times to Adjust Our Personal Systems
No matter who you are or what you do. No matter if you consider yourself a leader or not. You have systems in your life. You have processes and systems hat you run through everyday in just about every situation. Whether it be your “system” for getting started with your day in the morning,…
6 Old Sayings That Are Still True
You’ve heard in conversation sentences that begin with, “As the old saying goes…” Sometimes, that cues us to immediately think that what is going to follow is going to be an outdated and untrue statement. The other day, someone started a sentence in conversation that way and what they said made a lot of…
Baseball Cards, Life, & Value
People collect different things for different reasons. Some collect stamps. Some collect antiques. Some collect coins. Growing up, I collected baseball cards. One of the things that I quickly learned about baseball cards is that they can be really valuable. If you don’t know anything about them, some baseball cards can sell for thousands…
How To Not Be Average
Our city still has a Shoney’s Restaurant. Many of them have closed, but several are still around… at least in my neck of the woods. I don’t really eat there often, but the other day I was pulling out of the church parking lot and saw the Shoney’s across the road. I had to…