4 Tools Every Young Leader Needs
1. Calendar -It may seem obvious, but regardless of how busy of a schedule you have now, you need to begin keeping a calendar. For young leaders, our schedules will only get busier as we gain more experience, responsibility, and influence. It’s important that we begin managing our time well now so we’ll have…
The Best Art Is Personal Art
Then he added, “Son of man, let all my words sink deep into your own heart first. Listen to them carefully for yourself. Then go to your people in exile and say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says!’ Do this whether they listen to you or not.” (Ezekiel 3:10, 11 NLT)…
Use What You’ve Got
Growing up, my Dad had an old truck he used to take me to school in. The air conditioner didn’t work, the heater didn’t work, and the defroster didn’t work. The only part of the truck besides the engine that actually worked was the cigarette lighter.
3 Things That Kill Communication
We all have something important to say. I really do believe that. For those of us in church work, our message is not only important, but life changing. It’s the message that we want everyone to know and no one to miss. Working with people and being around people, we can often find ourselves…
3 Times We Need To Put Our Phone Down
I have a problem. It doesn’t seem like a big deal 99% of the time, but the other 1% it’s a huge deal. You see, sometimes I like my iPhone.. too much. For the most part, I’m good at using it as just a tool. I use it to make phone calls, make notes,…