• Understanding Makes Leaders Attractive

    Understanding Makes Leaders Attractive

    NOTE: The following is a guest post by my friend Pastor Shane Wall. Be sure to check the link at the bottom for more about his upcoming book! BIO: Shane Wall has been ministering internationally for over 30 years. He is the founder and Senior Pastor of The Feast of The Lord in Orangeburg, SC, where he…

  • What God Wants Most From You

    What God Wants Most From You

    Most of us know the story of the fall of man. Adam and Eve were living pretty until Satan tempted them and got them to disobey God. Their pride and sense of wanting to “know” led to them eating of the fruit, realizing their sin and shame, and hiding from the God that created…

  • 3 Leadership Lessons From Andy Griffith

    3 Leadership Lessons From Andy Griffith

    One of my favorite sitcoms ever is The Andy Griffith Show. Even though the show was recorded before my time, I have great memories of watching the reruns with my Dad on Saturday mornings. As I’ve gotten older and still watch the show, some of the lessons the show teaches have gotten a little…

  • Allow the Invasion: A Lesson From Peter About Life

    Allow the Invasion: A Lesson From Peter About Life

    No matter who we are or what our gifts are, there are certain things we consider ourselves to be good at. Come on, now. I know what you’re trying to humbly think… “I don’t think like that, I’m humble.” :-) Humble or not, though, there are things that you do well. There are things…

  • Next Up Podcast: 3 Ways to Live & Lead in The Moment (Episode 6)

    Next Up Podcast: 3 Ways to Live & Lead in The Moment (Episode 6)

    Anyone’s life can be busy and chaotic. For leaders, life can be flat out crazy. It’s tempting to run from one thing to another and miss what’s right in front of us. In this episode, Jonathan Pearson, Dustin Bates, and David Pearson talk about how we can enjoy the present time to the fullest.…

  • A Brilliant and Cheap iPhone Dock & Accessory

    A Brilliant and Cheap iPhone Dock & Accessory

    A couple of years ago, I was sitting at my desk and kept seeing my iPhone flash with notifications. Since it was laying flat on my desk, I had to pick it up each time and check the notification. I started thinking, “What if I had a dock that would prop it up so…