One Thing Every Good Story Needs
As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon possessed begged to go with him. But Jesus said, “No, go home to your family, and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.” So the man started off to visit the Ten Towns…
A Quick Way To Spoil It All
It seems we live in a day in time when people want to say what’s on their mind. It also seems like we live in a day and time when less and less is becoming “correct” to actually say. I’ve seen it recently with athletes, entertainers, hollywood stars, pastors, and young leaders…
Overcoming Our Identity Crisis: A Guest Post By Michael Perkins
If you were to open up your Facebook feed right now, I can just about guarantee you will find several posts in which someone has taken an online quiz that tells them who they are. Seriously. There’s a lot of people taking quizzes. And I’m just as guilty as anyone in regards to this.…
3 People We All Need In Our Lives
We need others. That statement is one we often hear. It’s a true statement, but we often don’t think about what it means. It means we need people to do life with, people to help us, people for us to help, and people that can be honest and open with us. We all need…
Next Up Podcast: How to Keep From Burning Out Way Too Soon (Episode 9)
Burnout is too often a reality for leaders. Many of us that are young tend to think that it can’t happen to us and fail to realize when we’re in danger. The truth is, none of us are exempt from potential burnout. In this episode, Jonathan Pearson and Dustin Bates remind us that if we’re facing burnout to…
3 Reasons We Like Authenticity in Others
One of my generation’s (the millennials) most sought after traits is authenticity. We live in a time and in a culture where there are more ways than ever to not be authentic. As a result, we’ve begun to value authenticity more than ever. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes this “authenticity”…