Fall At His Feet
And as they went, Jesus met them and greeted them. And they ran to him, grasped his feet, and worshiped him. (Matthew 28:9 NLT) I love the picture this verse paints in my mind when I see it. I see the two Mary’s…. dazed and confused about where Jesus would be. Realizing that Jesus…
5 Evernote Notebooks Every Young Leader Needs
I am an Evernote fan boy. There, I said it. I’ve written about Evernote many times in the past. You can see those posts here. As I change the way I process information and as I lead more and more, I’ve adjusted how I organize just about everything I do. Right now, here are…
The Best 2 Minutes Of Your Day: Fan Fun
This guy gets it and spreads a little love and joy while he’s at it!
2 Revelations About Authenticity: Why We Have A Hard Time Being Us
I’ve written recently about authenticity. The Next Up Podcast covered why authenticity is important at to a leader in its latest episode, so I’ve been thinking a lot about the topic. Here are 2 revelations…
Effort Is In Limitless Supply
Many things in life have a short supply. I can’t go shopping on a random spring day and slide my debit card over and over without realizing that, at some point, the thing is going to get declined. I can’t run and run without eventually falling down from being so tired I could no…