• Hope Of Future, Not Horror Of Past

    Hope Of Future, Not Horror Of Past

    Most people I know are really good at looking into the past. Seeing what’s happened in their life, seeing what they’ve accomplished, seeing how they’ve failed, remembering past experiences.

  • 8 Great Social Media Apps to Boost Productivity

    8 Great Social Media Apps to Boost Productivity

    Buffer  Most people that have used social media a while know this one. You basically dump all of your tweets, retweets, and links into it and it schedules them out in predefined times that you’ve set. That way, your followers never get bombarded by 3 tweets in a row. Buffer works with a host…

  • 3 Reasons Millennials Aren’t Coming to Your Church

    3 Reasons Millennials Aren’t Coming to Your Church

    You do more “show” than service For the last decade or so, the church has sought to produce a show each and every week. The truth is that this worked for a previous generation that was fed up with tradition steeped in inauthentic rituals. They were eager for something that more resembled what they’d…

  • God Is At Work On The Other Side

    God Is At Work On The Other Side

    Gen 41:9 Then the chief cupbearer said to Pharaoh, “Today I am reminded of my shortcomings. This is the part of the Joseph story after he’s left in prison and the cupbearer has forgotten about him… remember, he was supposed to put in a good word for Joseph when he got out of prison?

  • 2 Ways Creatives Can Finally Master Productivity

    2 Ways Creatives Can Finally Master Productivity

    Since I’ve released The Productive Pastor Handbook, one of the common questions I hear is, “As a creative person, how can I become more productive.”