Great Leaders Do These 2 Things, Even When It’s Difficult
Was Moses history’s greatest leader? Some would probably lean toward saying that. Even though he missed out on fulfilling the true vision of his calling, Moses lead thousands of people to a land that was directly put there for them by God.
Here’s The Secret To Understanding God’s Ways
God works in mysterious ways. That was true when he chose to use a guy like Noah to save humanity during a flood. It was true when He chose David out of Jesse’s clan to be the king. It was true when He chose a rag tag bunch of disciples to carry the greatest…
Public Opinion Is A Fragile Throne
Public opinion is fragile. Ask any public figure, and pastor, any politician or any one over the age of 4 and they’ll tell you that others’ opinions of us can change in a heartbeat.
Calendars, Time, & Memories : Productivity Means More Than You Think
When we hear the word “productivity” we usually draw some pretty quick conclusions…
4 Advantages The Church Has In Reaching A Changing Culture
Our culture is changing. Things that were common only 20 years ago are becoming impossible. Things that were rare 20 years ago are becoming common place. Disaster seems to strike nearly every day somewhere in America or in the world.
3 Prayers I’m Praying For My Son
If you’ve been around my blog for a little while, you probably know about my 17 month old son, Riley. I’ve written about him in the past and even talked about some of what he’s taught me over the few months that I’ve had the privilege of being a Dad.