• Valentine’s Hangover

    This weekend was a lot of fun! Melissa and I spent our first Valentine’s as a married couple sitting around the house and spending time with each other. We did get a Valentine’s dinner into the schedule. Here’s my challenge to the guys…Do what you did this weekend on a regular basis. Bring home…

  • Practice Makes Perfect

    Why is it that we so often expect people to be perfect at something as soon as they start? Often times, we are unwilling to allow people to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. There are examples of this all the time in sports. Whether it be a head coach getting fired after…

  • Quick Thought

    “Furious activity is no substitute for understanding.” What is it that you have been furiously active in to cover up your lack of understanding? What is it that you are called to do, but have been too busy to figure it out? What is your dream and passion that you have been covering up…

  • As Seen On T.V.

    Those T.V. guys are at it again. This time, it’s straps that allow two women to carry 1,000 pounds. Why can’t these people ever just be happy with the way that we already do things? Oh wait, they are trying to make money. Seriously this time, anyone have these? Please say no! Here’s the…

  • Looking At Potential

    Most people have a tendency to write people off based on what they observe within the first few moments of meeting someone. We often fail to see the heart of people, their abilities, or their personalities. We also often fail to see other’s potential. As a leader, I have to look at people and…

  • iGoogle

    I’m sure I’m way behind on this thing, but have you seen the iGoogle homepage? It allows you to customize what your homepage looks like. The best part…nothing to download. All you have to do is have a Google account. You can choose things like weather, news, quotes, your google reader, and even your…