• If I Had A Million Dollars

    Have you ever made the statement, “If I had a million dollars, I would…?” The truth is that many of us will never have a million dollars at one time in our bank account. Most of us will never have the fortune that we think would be necessary to really help people that way…

  • Video Blog: What We Are Created For

    Today, I took the morning to spend some time outside with God. I love to do this, but often don’t take the time to. I made a little video after I was done to share my thoughts and challenge you… (Sorry for the bad video quality. Apparently, Blackberry’s weren’t made to produce movies…) Video…

  • The End Goal

    “Is the end goal for orphans to find parents? For the homeless to find homes? For the sick to find physical health? Is that the mission of Jesus? Is that the purpose of the Cross? Is that why thousands of hours and dollars have been spent??? Is that the end goal of a Christian?”…

  • Confession

    A man from the church came to cut our grass today. I felt bad for him when I got back from running errands and saw him still cutting, so I decided to help. I did some weed-eating, some cutting, and some spraying around the yard. After I was finished, I came back in to…

  • Deep Roots Promo Video

    Here’s a little promo video we put together for our Deep Roots Family Conference this summer. We’ll be showing this Sunday… Deep Roots Promo from Jonathan Pearson on Vimeo.

  • Calling Before Age

    One thing that I am probably a little self conscious about is being so young and trying to teach families how to raise their children. Sometimes I guess I feel like I don’t even deserve to be able to tell parents about what God has called them to do with their children. I’ve never…