• Growth by Subtraction

    One of the ironies in Christianity is the fact that in order for us to get better, we must become less. In order for us to accomplish more for Christ, the smaller we must become. John the Baptist said it best here. The process is called growth, yet it actually consists of us reducing…

  • Top Posts of May

    Here are the posts from May that recieved the most traffic. I thought I would give you another chance to check them out! At 5 Months Gotta But Can’t What If…

  • Oops!

    The other evening, I grabbed my keys, hat, water, and cell phone and went out the door. What I noticed when I got down the road was that I forgot my wallet. I had to drive really slow (I wasn’t going far) and try my best not to get pulled over. As I drove,…

  • My Favorite Prayer

    John 17:20-26 “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will everbelieve in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just asyou and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be inus so that the…

  • Your Biggest Strength

    I’ve met a lot of very insecure people. I have insecurities myself. If we were all honest, there’s something in our lives or about us that we’re not very secure about. Often our temptation is to hide these insecurities and try to cover them up (often over compensating). Most of us would never admit…

  • If Today Was Your Last Day

    This has become one of my favorite songs. I played it for our youth Wednesday night. Thought I would end the week with it for you guys! Have a great weekend!