A Note To Leaders: Why Your Personal Life Matters
I’m a picky eater. Not only when it comes to the food I eat, but also when it comes to how I eat it. I don’t like for stuff to touch on my plate. Yeah, I’ve heard the argument, “Well, it’s all going to the same place anyway.” I understand that, but I don’t…
A Free Christmas Wallpaper
I love wallpapers! Who doesn’t, right? Occasionally, I like to share what I find. I have a few favorite sites to get them from, but occasionally, I take a photo with my phone that makes a great wallpaper. (those sites are here and here) Last week I took this photo while looking at Christmas lights…
4 Warnings For Young Leaders
Your way may not be the only way This is a tough one. The truth is, though, sometimes there’s more than one way to do something. If someone on your team isn’t doing something the way you’d do it, it may not be wrong, it may just be their way. How do you know?
Podcast: Plastic vs. Leather Leadership
I don’t typically publish a new post when the Next Up Podcast drops a new episode, but I so enjoyed thinking about and talking about this one, I wanted to share. Below are the show notes with a link at the end to subscribe of just listen.
Jesus Does This Completely!
Jesus doesn’t do anything half way. Salvation is in full. Forgiveness is in full. His riches are in full. His blessings are in full.
Nurture or Dismiss – A Leadership Principle
Growing up, my family used to have a lot of animals that would wonder into our yard. These animals would often come around for a few days and vanish the next week. However, occasionally a dog or a cat would wonder into the yard and stay around a little while. When this happened, our…