• Happy B Day To Me

    Today is my birthday. 23 years ago today, Dale and Mary Susan Pearson gave birth to a baby boy. That boy was almost 11 pounds when he was born. While the Pearson’s were hoping for a little girl, they settled for the boy and named him Jonathan. 23 years later, I’m proud to call…

  • You’re Not All That

    When you think you’re something, you are good for nothing. That’s kind of what goes through my mind as I read this passage. Now grant it, we all have times when we think we’re a little better than we are… But, what if instead of thinking about ourselves being special, we made that thought…

  • Prepare the Way (Part 2)

    Our job is to prepare the way for Christ to do His work. However, John also offers some insight into how we do this here. We see that honesty is important. John didn’t try to sugarcoat anything. John didn’t try to be politically correct. John didn’t apologize for the truth. John was honest with…

  • Prepare the Way (Part 1)

    We’re all familiar with the story of John the Baptist. His work is noted several times throughout the Gospels. John had one single goal and calling…to prepare the way for Christ. John called for people to repent and be baptized with water in the expectancy of a Savior. John knew his role and obeyed…

  • Thoughts On Worship

    We’re born with the ability perfected. Just as a newborn has the ability to breathe, we’re born being devoted worshippers of something. It’s not something we can control. We can’t turn it off. We’re constantly worshipping something. We can’t determine where it goes. Where our worship is directed reveals our heart. We can’t make…

  • Children Matter

    10% of 9-10 year olds have started drinking. Nearly 1/3 of kids have their first drink by age 13. 1/4 of 14 year olds have reported drinking in the past year. 40% of individuals who start drinking before the age of 13 will develop alcohol problems later in life. For 12-13 year olds, inhalants…