• 90% Isn’t Enough

    It seems like most of the church is 90 percent committed. They’re committed enough to God to attend church and maybe even serve in some capacity. They’re committed enough to give a portion of they’re income as long as they’re sure they have some extra. Most of the church is even committed enough to…

  • 2 Questions to Excellence

    Here are 2 questions that have launched HUGE ideas: 1. What can we do different? Can we be more creative? Why do we do it the way we do it? 2. What can make this better? To IMPROVE a process, product or plan. Any questions you would add to this list?

  • What’s That Smell?

    We all love the smell that comes along with buying a new car. It’s one of those things that we can’t really create or go back to once we lose it. No matter how many “new car scent” air fresheners we hang in the window, or how many times we Febreeze the car, we…

  • What Would It Take?

    What would it take… For God to become more than just our safety net, but our life line? For God to become more of who we are than what we do? For God not to just become our first priority, but our life? For the church to quit being a place where needs are…

  • Food For Thought

    Do we… “Live as though Christ died yesterday, rose from the grave today, and is coming back tomorrow.” -Theodore Epp No matter what kind of Monday you’re having, that should change your perspective!

  • Blessed and Humbled

    Melissa and I took the last few days of last week to spend some time at the beach. The weather didn’t exactly cooperate for us to spend a lot of time on the beach, but we still had a blast! It’s amazing that there is someone in life that you always have fun with,…