“What Do I Know of Holy?”
I’ll be the first to admit that some worship lyrics can be shallow. A lot of the songs seem to have the same tune and even the same lyrics. Having said that, this is not one of those. I’ve come to love this song. Listen closely….
Who and Who’s We Are
We kicked off our “Down, But Not Out” series last night at Pneuma. We really saw God move and some teens perspectives changed. It’s always cool to see people realize that they no longer have to walk in bondage and can live in freedom. In Galatians 2:11-16, Paul calls out Peter for changing his…
A Battle or A Problem?
I’ve been thinking about blogging about this for a while, but haven’t because I don’t really know what the solution is, or if there really is one. I don’t even know if it works. Here’s the thought though… One of the great problems I see with many Christians is the battle between not being…
Down, But Not Out
We all have those times when life can be just plain frustrating. We know what we should do, but it seems no matter how hard we try, things just won’t go our way. At Pneuma in October, we’re going to look at some of life’s toughest obstacles and see what the Bible has to…
Lazy Parenting
When did it become good parenting to punish a child by not allowing them to be involved in church activities? Now, I know that I’m not a parent, but this seems a little strange to me. Parents punish kids for bad behavior by holding them out of the one thing in life that tries…
Blogging with Purpose
Some people have asked me how I manage to keep this blog consistently updated. It’s really not that hard because I have a purpose in doing so… For the reader For myself I do it for the reader to hopefully challenge them in life and in their spiritual journey. Sure, you probably have more…