• Being Real With You

    I must admit…I’ve been struggling lately. Not in just one area particularly, but in everything. My time with God doesn’t seem as rich and meaningful as it normally is. My love for people isn’t where it normally is. My energy and joy has deminished temporarily. I think it’s times like these that God may…

  • Use the Bathroom Outside

    Melissa and I got Copper a couple of months ago. He still hasn’t quite figured out that he’s supposed to use the bathroom outside all the time yet. So, we often find ourselves cleaning up his accidents. The other day I was sitting on the couch and started smelling his special gift for me.…

  • This Is What Matters

    “I don’t know how your theology works, but if Jesus has a choice between stained glass windows and feeding starving kids in Haiti, I have a feeling he’d choose the starving kids in Haiti.”–Tony Campolo Wow! That says it all. Christ isn’t about our buildings and preferences…He’s about meeting needs and SAVING PEOPLE! Don’t…

  • 3 Reasons We Give In

    3 Reasons we give in to temptations: 1. Immediate Gratification We want what we want, now. It’s the way our world works, and it’s the way we think. We’re often unwilling to wait on things we think we need, or we think would benefit us. This causes us to not be willing to obey…

  • What Really Matters?

    What really matters? It’s an often asked questions, but it’s seldom answered right and backed up by action. We can say that we believe Christ matters. We can say that we believe seeing people step over the line of faith is important, but it means NOTHING until we back it up with our actions.…

  • 5th Quarter @ CBC

    Here is a little snapshot of what happened at our 5th Quarter tonight…