• 2 Things I’m Working On

    1. Patience….I stink at this. I’m not a patient person. I don’t like to wait in lines, I’m always in a hurry and I drive too fast. I don’t like to wait on God, so I often manipulate situations so that things will fall into place sooner. God’s been teaching me lately that sometimes,…

  • This Too Shall Pass

    What do you do during those spiritual dry times in your relationship with God? I think there are obvious things that we must do like spend time alone with Him, but there may be other things as well. Some people may spend time outdoors admiring God’s creation and others may have a special place…

  • A Dirty Diaper

    1 Peter 2:2 “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation” I don’t have one of my own, but I do know that newborn babies always seem to be hungry. They always seem to want a little more of the milk their moms give…

  • I Took the Plunge

    Melissa has been wanting an iPhone since the day they came out. I had a Blackberry and loved it, so I was a little hesitant to switch providers and get the iPhone. Today, however, I decided to go to AT&T and price a plan for 2 iPhones. Melissa and I ended up deciding to…

  • More Important

    Oklahoma and Texas are matching up Saturday for a pretty important game. Here’s a cool video of the 2 starting quarterbacks letting people know there’s something more important than football.

  • Absurd

    Most of you have probably already seen this, or at least heard about it. I couldn’t ignore it, so I had to post it here. All I can say is, wonder why the world doesn’t see Christianity as desirable? Well, this could explain it…