• Thinkin on the Run

    Here are some things that I’ve Twittered recently. If you don’t follow me on Twitter, follow me here. We’ve exchanged tradition for our mission, church membership for salvation, and outward appearance for true transformation. How much did we cost Jesus? His life. How much should Jesus cost us? Our life. Trying to tell our…

  • 3 Things We Can Never Stop

    There are some things in life we just can never get enough of. For me, one of those things is mexican food. On the other hand, there are important things that we should never quit doing no matter how much we’ve done it in the past. Here are a few… 1. Offering love. Sometimes…

  • Exposed

    This Wednesday at Pneuma, we’re going to begin a new series called “Exposed.” We’re going to see that God cares much more about our heart than our outward appearance. Once our heart has been exposed, are we really the people that others may think? Find out beginning this Wednesday!

  • Relationships are Primary

    If there’s one thing that I have learned about ministry it’s that relationships are vital. And, I don’t think relationships are vital only in ministry. In fact, God created the world with relationships in mind. His desire for relationship with His people and to have His people in relationship with each other drove Him…

  • The Goal of the Church

    “Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” — John Piper If Christians worshipped the way God deserves, others would see and believe….the church is good at using missions as an excuse for inactivity. We say that we support missions, but often fall short by only…

  • Random Wednesday Humor

    For those of you with pets…