Pneuma in December
We’re going to be taking the next few weeks off from Pneuma, but when we start back on the 9th of December, we’re going to come back with this! It’s almost that time! Christmas is in the air. Don’t let the busyness of the season distract you from finding the best gift you’ve ever…
When Life Hands You Lemons…Throw ’em Back!
I’ve always heard the saying, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” I guess there’s a lot of truth to that statement, but I’m starting to believe that it may be better if we throw back the lemons when we get handed them. I believe in having a positive attitude and making the most…
Attitude Adjustment
How’s your attitude today? Are you going to try to “survive” another week? Or, are you going to face the week looking for new opportunities? Often the direction of our life is determined by our attitude about life. If you don’t like the way your life is going, check your attitude about your life……
In God We Trust?
Do you really trust God? No. I mean really trust God? Trust is an essential element in any relationship. Any relationship must have trust as a contributing factor. Trust is one of those things that we often say we have but never truly know unitil it’s put to the test. You never know if…
I Can’t Help But Believe
I can’t help but believe… That God has a plan for my life. That God wants to use His Church to help save the world. That God calls those that He wishes to be pastors so that they can carry out His vision. That God looks on the way many churches are ran and…
Away from Church, to God
“Every day people are straying away from the church and going back to God.” -Lenny Bruce True or False? Can one move toward God by moving away from His bride? Has the church really become a place that hampers ones spiritual growth? Is it possible for a Christian to not go to church and…