Don’t Be an Amos
Ok, the title was mostly to grab your attention. Amos was an alright guy, but the people he had to deal with weren’t. In fact, one of the biggest things Amos speaks to in the book is the people’s complacency. The people of Amos’ time had gotten really good at going through the motions…
Routines Are Made to Be Broken
I’m a routine kind of person. I often find myself doing basically the same things each day at basically the same time. I even often go to the same places, the same day each week. I seem to work best when I have my time scheduled and set. I’m comfortable living life in a…
These Are A Few of My Favorite Things
Here are a few of my favorite things… My wife. Lazy Sunday afternoons. iPhone. XBox 360. My Truck College Football. The Christmas Season. What is one of your favorite things that maybe no one else would say?
Leadership Lessons From Football
Here are some leadership insights I had while watching football this weekend… Great leadership often isn’t about knowledge, but passion. We can overcome short comings with hard work. Without the people working behind the scenes, success doesn’t happen. You never win when you think you’re going to lose. Negativity breeds negativity, but passion breeds…
Pneuma in December
We’re going to be taking the next few weeks off from Pneuma, but when we start back on the 9th of December, we’re going to come back with this! It’s almost that time! Christmas is in the air. Don’t let the busyness of the season distract you from finding the best gift you’ve ever…
When Life Hands You Lemons…Throw ’em Back!
I’ve always heard the saying, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” I guess there’s a lot of truth to that statement, but I’m starting to believe that it may be better if we throw back the lemons when we get handed them. I believe in having a positive attitude and making the most…