• Pneuma in January

    Here’s a look at what’s coming to Pneuma in January… We hear so many lies each day, it’s sometimes tough to know the truth. In January at Pneuma, we’re letting the truth come out…and blowing up common misconceptions about Jesus, Christianity, and the Church in the process! Come get “Blown Up” Week 1: “God…

  • Buy What You Sell

    A common principle for leadership: If you wouldn’t buy it, don’t sell it. In other words, if you aren’t that into the idea, don’t try to pull it off. One of the great failures a minister/leader can make is to try to do something that they don’t have passion for doing. If you don’t…

  • Testimony Time

    When I was growing up, my pastor would take a Sunday night every now and then to have a testimony service. Basically, the idea was that people would share what God was doing in their life. So, I have a question… What’s one thing God is doing in your life right now? Go!

  • Do You See What I See?

    It used to be that tacky Christmas decorations meant someone misspelled “Joy” with blue lights on their front porch’s banister. However, it seems like every year I ride by more and more of these types of yards. Kind of looks like the Christmas section at Big Lots exploded in their yard. These days, people…

  • More Ketchup, Please

    There’s a huge problem in this country of ours at the present time… No, I’m not talking about a bad economy or talk of health care plans… I’m talking about a problem that effects many Americans every day… You never get enough ketchup at the drive thru! Recently, it seems like fast food restaurants…

  • Father & Son

    Psalm 2:7 I will proclaim the decree of the LORD : He said to me, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father. Lately, God’s been reminding me that He’s my loving Father. It’s not anything I have done, it’s what He did. As I was thinking through this concept, I jotted…