Lead Not By Force
Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. -Dwight Eisenhower Leadership happens when people aren’t forced to do something, but do something because of their passion to do it. It’s often seen when people in any organization are doing a set of…
Did Your Vacation Last Too Long?
5 Signs Your Christmas Vacation Lasted Too Long… 1. You had trouble remembering what time to set your alarm clock last night. 2. Your children had begun to think you quit your job. 3. You misplaced your coffee maker. 4. You’ve forgotten how to use the copier. 5. You forgot how annoying the person…
Pearson Firework Extravaganza
Melissa and I celebrated New Year’s Eve in style. After she told me that she had never lit any kind of explosive, I knew I had to help her out. So, on our way back from dinner, I stopped at the fireworks stand and let her pick something out. She wasn’t willing to get…
I’ve had a couple of people ask me what I believe is in store for 2010. While I’ve never claimed to know the future, or the exact plans of God, I do believe that I can shed a little light on 2010. Here are a few tid bits on the upcoming year… 1. Repair.…
Merry Christmas!
Melissa and I want to wish you all a merry Christmas! I’m always humbled to see how many of you read this blog. Thanks for making it a part of your life and spiritual journey! I look forward to another year of it! Have a great holiday! -Jonathan & Melissa ’09
There’s No I in Integrity
Growing up and playing sports, I became accustomed to a saying that says, “There’s no ‘I’ in Team.” That’s a good point. After all, if there was an I in team, it would look something more like “tieam” and no one knows what that means. However, when you look at the word “Integrity,” there…