Lazy Days
We all need them. Days when a calendar and schedules are the furtherest thing from our mind. Days when we do nothing that we don’t want to do. Days when we do little of anything at all. Sleeping late, sipping coffee, reading a book, watching TV…. What’s your idea of the perfect lazy day?…
What’s the Real Goal?
Consistently create encore experiences that enrich lives one person at a time. If I were to give you a guess as to who the above mission statement belongs to, I doubt you would ever get it right. It’s not a gym. It’s not a country club. It’s not a store. It’s not a theater.…
The Dog Snuggie: Do What?
Ok, I understand. Maybe the world was fine before humans had the “blanket with sleeves.” But then came the Snuggie that made it easier to move your arms while you were staying under the blanket. That seemed to serve some kind of purpose. This one, though… I’m not sure I’m buying what they’re selling…
Leading in Circles
I’ve met lots of “leaders” in my life. Some have deserved the title, others failed to live up to it. Some have been put in leadership positions and are well meaning. Some have been put in leadership positions and see it as a way of personal gain. Some have the ability to discern vision,…
Lead Not By Force
Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. -Dwight Eisenhower Leadership happens when people aren’t forced to do something, but do something because of their passion to do it. It’s often seen when people in any organization are doing a set of…
Did Your Vacation Last Too Long?
5 Signs Your Christmas Vacation Lasted Too Long… 1. You had trouble remembering what time to set your alarm clock last night. 2. Your children had begun to think you quit your job. 3. You misplaced your coffee maker. 4. You’ve forgotten how to use the copier. 5. You forgot how annoying the person…