• Don’t Stop Believing

    Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrew 11:1 I’ve heard this verse all my life. I’ve heard about how we are to live out our faith in our every day lives. I’ve taught about how God is bigger than your biggest problem.…

  • I’ve Got A Confession (& So Do You)

    I have a confession to make… I like…me. Too much. I want to feel included. I want people to think I’m someone that I’m not. I sometimes spend more time in the morning with how I look than I do with God. I sometimes want recognition more than I want God to be recognized.…

  • Drive-Thru Tragedy

    I don’t like drive-thrus… I guess I’ve gone through too many and left thinking, “It would have been quicker if I had just gone in.” Melissa likes drive-thrus… I guess she’s gone in too many times and left thinking, “The drive-thru would’ve been quicker. So, last Sunday Melissa and I were craving a milkshake…

  • Service Before Observance

    Matthew 12:9-10 “Then he went over to the synagogue where he noticed a man with a deformed hand. The Pharisees asked Jesus, ‘Is it legal to work by healing on the Sabbath day?’” Never let observance deter you from service. That is essentially what Jesus was doing in this passage. While the Pharisees were…

  • What Makes A Leader?

    I meet and see a lot of self proclaimed “leaders.” It’s almost as if everyone these days has been given the title of a “leader.” You don’t have to go through too many Twitter bios or Facebook profiles to see the term “leader” being used. While it’s a title we like to use, I…

  • Ifs

      Faith takes God without any ifs. – D.L. Moody   Faith in God means unwavering trust. We don’t believe only if we get our way. We don’t trust only if things are under our control. We don’t rely on God only if we realize the problem is too big for us. We aren’t…