Red Sea Moments
Life hurts. It often seems like life is a series of unfortunate events. When you think you’ve found the conclusion to one problem, two more pop up. When you think you’ve survived one storm, another is on the horizon. When you feel you’re growing, something tries to tear you down. When you think you’re…
Hurry Up & Slow Down
Imagine a life of no responsibilities, no calanders, and no time schedules.A life in which you do nothing unless you have an overwhelming desire to do it.A life of not having to rush from place to place and task to task. That life will never be yours this side of eternity.You’ll always have appointments…
This Feels Good On My Booty
The chair cushion was a great idea. Such a great idea, that somewhere along the line, they decided to make it a permanent fixture on most chairs. I’m glad that the first person that experienced the chair cushion eventually got off of it. I’m glad that the person who said, “Hey, this feels better…
A Shot in the Eye
“Jesus heard this and said to them, “It is not the healthy people who need a doctor, but the sick. I did not come to invite good people but to invite sinners.” Mark 2:17 (NCV) What was Jesus’ primary ministry focus? Are we more concerned with pacifying the “good” people, or reaching the lost?…
Don’t Stop Believing
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrew 11:1 I’ve heard this verse all my life. I’ve heard about how we are to live out our faith in our every day lives. I’ve taught about how God is bigger than your biggest problem.…
I’ve Got A Confession (& So Do You)
I have a confession to make… I like…me. Too much. I want to feel included. I want people to think I’m someone that I’m not. I sometimes spend more time in the morning with how I look than I do with God. I sometimes want recognition more than I want God to be recognized.…