• A New Direction

    When I began blogging a couple of years ago, I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I still don’t. I honestly just wanted to use this blog as another outlet for ministry. Looking around the web the past couple of months, I’ve begun to notice that there are a lot of blogs…

  • Maybe the Church Isn’t for You

    The world often operates by transactions. Most of the time, in order to get something, we must first give. Or in order to give something, we must first get. In order to make money, we must first work. In order to get food, we must first pay. In order to buy a flat screen…

  • The Change Within

    “One key to successful leadership is continuous personal change. Personal change is a reflection of our inner growth and empowerment.” – Robert E. Quinn The word “change” is a popular word when it comes to leadership discussions. We hear about changing an organization. We hear about helping change followers. We hear about taking a…

  • I’m Nothing

    The more I live and the more I grow in my relationship with Christ, the more I realize God’s sufficiency and my deficiency. I’m coming to the place in my life where, although I haven’t quite gotten to the point of practicing it perfectly, I’m beginning to realize that my life is not my…

  • Why Leaders Should Never Be Comfortable with ‘Comfortable’

    I wrote a guest post today over at RaiseTheeUp.com. RaiseTheeUp.com is the site of author and blogger Michael Holmes. It was a privilege to contribute to his ministry. I’m not a morning person. I have to set my alarm earlier than necessary because I know I’ll hit the snooze button several times each morning.…

  • I @sk: Define Vision

    Last week, I asked this question on Twitter: Define vision in 140 characters or less… I got a lot of answers, so I thought I’d share the ones that said it best… @martimusprime Vision is hopeful dreaming turned into passionatepurpose. @psalmist4ever the ability to see things in advance that have apurpose and/or meaning and…