3 Things To Do When You’re Waiting For Something to Do
I was reading through a story a few days ago that I must have read a hundred times before. It’s the calling of the disciples. As I was reading, I jotted these notes down about the passage… 1.God calls us when we’re acting on what we know to do. God never wants you to…
You Can’t Deny It: A Message for Leaders
Something I’ve observed from leaders… Leaders are great at denial. A lot of leaders are great at convincing themselves that everything is OK regardless of reality. They sometimes see the need for more or see the need for better, but are too good at reasoning themselves into thinking that everything is OK. I think…
4 Reasons Christianity Isn’t A Race
Our Christian walk isn’t a race, it’s a journey. When I first met my wife (Melissa), I wanted to know every thing about her. I wanted to know her likes, her dislikes, her favorites, her goals, her dreams, everything. The problem was that I couldn’t know it all at once. I had to spend…
Your Favorite Coffee
I tweeted earlier today about the deliciousness of Dunkin Donuts’ coffee. I got plenty of opposition to my statement that it’ll be the coffee of choice in heaven. So, just wondering… Where do you get your favorite coffee? Go!
I Hate Religion
The Church is full of ritual Christians. We’re full of people that have been converted to Christianity as a religion. We’re full of people that know the right steps, know the right words, even know the right process for spiritual growth. The problem, they just go through the motions. One of the things that…
I @sk: Tough Lessons
A couple of days ago I asked the twitter world to respond to this question… What’s the toughest life lesson you’ve learned. Here are some of the responses… @arrowmustfly The toughest life lesson I have learned is that we r all capable of doing things we never thought we would do, given the degreeof…