1 Thing That Matters
It’s about Jesus. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less. If what you are doing right now isn’t about Him, for Him, and with Him, make it that way or stop wasting your time. He’s all that matters. Public opinion doesn’t matter.Your opinion doesn’t matter. Jesus matters. I think we forget that. I’m living with…
God Will Allow More Than You Can Handle
“God will never put more on you than you can handle.” I’ve heard this statement all my life. I’ve believed this statement for much of my life. The problem: it’s not biblical. Nowhere in the Bible do we find a verse that remotely says, “God won’t put more on you than you can handle.”…
A Different Text
I got this in an email a few days ago. I hardly ever read a forwarded email, but this one caught my eye. I’m sure it’s been forwarded around the country several hundred times, but just thought I’d share for those of you that don’t usually read em… I wonder what would happen if…
To: The Hurting
You matter. You have a future. You can be forgiven. You can be freed. You have an identity. You are noticed. You are rich. You are loved.
Baseball, Billiards, & Bocce Ball (Or Something Like That)
In case you’ve been in a hole somewhere, the Winter Olympics are going on right now. I have to admit, I kinda like having sports available to me 24/7, so I like the Olympics. A few days ago, I was watching the Olympics and saw a sport called “Mass Start.” It appears as if…
What Hezekiah Taught Me About Spiritual Leadership
Hezekiah was a bad man! Taking the throne at age 25 he instituted reforms that made a person’s head spin! He was awesome. But what made him stand out in my mind apart from the other “good” kings like Asa, Jehosophat, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jehoash, Jothan, and Jehu is that he went further than them…