You Know Where to Find Me
Ever since the day I left for college, and to this day, my Dad has always had a saying that he says every time I leave him or end a phone conversation. Dad always says, “If you need me, you know where to find me.” What Pops is really saying is this… I’ve always…
The Process or the Product?
I have never been in the business world, but I do know that it is a result driven world. Often, all that matters is that a particular product is making money. We in the Church world often fail to assume this model. The Church is often more concerned with the process than the product.…
3 Things to Pray for Yourself
Colossians 1:9-10: For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and…
Me on Criticism: How to Respond
If you spend any time doing anything significant, you’re going to develop your share of critics. Some will actually provide criticism that builds you up, but others won’t. Some have no intentions except for bad intentions. They’re single goal is to make everyone around them as miserable as possible (probably because misery loves company).…
How to Lead After A Bad Leader
When I used to work at Enterprise Rent-A-Car one of the best things that happened to a manager trying to make a name for himself (or herself ) was to get a branch that a bad leader occupied. At that branch sales were down, morale was shot, fewer customers showed up, and the body…
What Goes On Behind the Curtain?
Anytime I go to see any type of production, I can’t help but wonder… What goes on when the curtain’s down? Are the performers getting in a little last minute practice? Are they nervous about the performance? Are they putting in some final preparation? As I was reading Exodus 2:1-10 a few days ago,…