Your Pet Peeve
What’s that one thing that drives you crazy when other people do it? That thing that makes you want to scream at the person for doing it. That thing that annoys the heck out of you. What’s your pet peeve?
Word: 4 Filters to Use Before You Speak
Words. We used to say, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That was a lie. That was before we ever really got old enough to realize the impact of words. The truth is – words hurt. They have a way of cutting through the flesh and hurting…
Yes, God Still Does Miracles!
I don’t usually share a lot of personal stories on this blog, but this was too good not to share. Monday morning, I got a call from my Mother telling me that my cousin had had a heart attack that morning. She said that they had found a 100% blockage in one of his…
Struggle with Them
Struggles… Everyone has them. Some people deny them. Some people accept them. Some people battle them. Some people never lose them. Some people overcome them. Some people are open about them. Some people are private with them. No matter what category you fall under, you struggle with them. The only way to overcome them…
Your Favorite Professional Sport
This time of the year is one of the greatest I can think of to be a sports fan. The NHL playoffs are underway. The NBA playoffs are going on. The PGA is in full swing. NASCAR is going in circles. The MLB season has started. If someone could think of a way to…