Living On An Island
Sometimes, life has a way of making us feel as if we have no one around that can comprehend, no one around that can console, no one around that can encourage. Sometimes, our situations, circumstances, challenges, and settings can make us feel as if we’re living life on an island. That is NOT where…
Come On Now
Last Friday, I went to get my eyes checked for the first time in… too long! As I was getting fitted for glasses and getting checked out, the lady at the front desk noticed my occupation. She was asking me a little about it and then said something that’s been stirring in me since…
Do What You Need to Do
We’ve all been there… Times when we knew what we were supposed to do, but had so much trouble actually doing it. Times when we knew how we should handle a situation, but also knew what would be more profitable for us. Times when we knew that we were crossing a line, but wanted…
Put Up or Shut Up
Here’s a question that I’ve been asking myself lately… What does it mean to follow Christ? Now, I know that there are some typical answers to this question, but they’ve really become more “church talk” than an actual lifestyle. Here are a few practical examples of what following Christ look like when put into…
Follow Me
We all like to be around people that are like us… That look like us. That dress like us. That like what we like. We are drawn to people of similar personality and preferences. It’s the way we work. It’s the way we’re comfortable. At the same time, we were never meant to all…
5 Things You Don’t Really Need to Know
Here are 5 quick things about myself that you don’t really need to know, but I feel like sharing. I hope this gives you a little bit more of an idea into who I am; 1. I always ask for a to-go cup when I leave restaurants. I don’t know how this started, but…