• 4 Questions

    4 random questions for your Friday: 1. Did you like the end of the summer when you were in school? 2. What’s your all time favorite movie? 3. Cheese-Its or Cheese Nips? 4. Peanut Butter: creamy or crunchy? Go!

  • Do We Over-Celebrate the Cross?

    Do We Over-Celebrate the Cross?

    A few nights ago, I was laying in bed and trying to go to sleep by doing a little reading. I was reading Greg Gilbert’s “What is the Gospel?” when I came across this… If Christ had remained dead like any other “savior” or “teacher” or “prophet,” his death would have meant nothing more…

  • 3 Experiences God Wants You to Have

    The fact that God has mercy on us to keep us alive is amazing enough. The fact that God desires the best for us is the icing on the cake. The way that He works with us to glorify Himself and allow us to experience joy is simply astounding. Here are 3 things that…

  • Testimony Time

    I haven’t done this in a long time, so I thought it’d be a good time. When I was growing up, sometimes my pastor would take a Sunday night to have “testimony time.” Time to brag on God and what He’s up to in our lives. So, here’s your chance to brag on God…

  • It Begins Today

    Today begins a new chapter in my life and ministry. (My blog change reflects that) Today is my first day on the job with Cornerstone Community Church. I’ll be the Pastor of Spiritual Development at Cornerstone’s 3rd campus in Summerton, SC, 2 Lakes Church. The church is set to launch in September, and I…

  • How to be Stress Free

    I get asked often, “Jonathan, what is the main cause of anxiety with an upcoming project?” OK, I’ve never been asked this, I’ve just thought about it recently. I think the number one reason I get nervous about an upcoming ministry opportunity or event is because I haven’t prepared adequately. This may be a…