• Favorite WordPress Plugins

    I was searching for a certain WordPress plugin the other day and noticed how few things came up when I searched. SO I’m going to list my favorite 10 WordPress plugins. Please keep in mind, I am no WP genius. I’m don’t even claim to be. 1. Askimet – Prevents spam comments from coming…

  • Don’t Eat From the Religion Buffet

    Religion isn’t a smorgasbord. John 14:6 “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” Did you read that? No one comes to the Father (God) EXCEPT by Christ. We can’t pick and choose what faiths we want to combine. All roads…

  • The Power of the Moment

    Don’t under-estimate the power of one single moment. One moment you spend with someone that’s hurting. One second in a conversation that you have. One sentence in a sermon you speak. One moment in time, has the potential to change lives. Don’t miss the opportunity contained in a moment as you… Spend a few…

  • Why Are Things Difficult?

    This may seem really elementary for some, but it hit me like a ton of bricks today.

  • 4 Questions

    Friday… The day for some to be off and the day for others to slack off even though they’re at work. Take a few minutes to answer these 4 questions… 1. Delivery or DiGiorgno? 2. What’s one simple thing someone did for you unexpectedly that blessed you? 3. Can you remember the names of…

  • Watch Your Mouth!

    I came to a realization the other day… Probably one that I should have known for some time. Maybe even something that I’ve learned in the past, just never processed. You never know who’s gonna hear what you say. When you tweet. When you blog. When you preach. When you speak. You never know…