• You Blog On My Blog

    In honor of this blog passing the 1,000 comment point, I wanted to open it up for you (the usual commenter) to post anything you would like. I’ll even pay the hosting fee! :) It could be a favorite Bible verse. It could be your blog’s link. It could be a prayer request. It…

  • 7 Things You Do Too Much

    You’re always going to be accused of being too something… Too loud, Too quiet. Too young, Too old. Too fat, Too skinny. Too weird, Too normal. Too cocky, Too humble. Too spiritual, Too worldly. Too funny, Too serious. Too rich, Too poor. Too smart. Too ignorant. You aren’t too anything for God to use…

  • Dirty Tissue

    This is a guest post by Michael Perkins. Michael is an ordinary guy who sometimes types on a keyboard and sometimes writes by hand on paper. You can follow him on twitter @MichaelDPerkins or read his blog called Untitled. ___________________________ Recently, I have noticed something about myself that I’m not sure that I want…

  • Caption Please!

    Who’ll get us started? Caption Please!

  • 1 Positive Thing About Saying ‘I Don’t Know’

    Sometimes, life seems to move faster than we can. Sometimes, things seem overwhelming. Sometimes, the mountain in front of us looks impossible to climb. Sometimes, the hand we’re dealt leaves us thinking only one thing… The one positive thing about admitting that we don’t know? We find the hope and joy of relying on…

  • Why Do What You Do?

    Why do you do what you do? Is it because you have to? Is it because it’s expected by those around you? Is it because you know nothing else to do? Is it because it’s comfortable? Is it because it’s easy? Is it because it’s all that’s available? Is it because it pays the…