• Just Do It

    I’m not sure what prompted this post. I hardly ever post on the weekends. I just have to tell someone reading this that you need to make your move. Prayer is no longer your excuse for inactivity. Do what God has been telling you to do. You know it’s Him. It aligns with His…

  • Your Greatest Worry, His Greatest Work

    Your greatest worry has the potential to be some of God’s greatest work! That thing that you’ve had on your mind. That thing that you’ve been scared to tell anyone else. Your teen that you think has forgotten everything you instilled in them. Your spouse who seems to have fallen out of love with…

  • The Chronic Sufferer

    We all prayed for Gary – a lot. Whenever a call for prayer requests was voiced, Gary was the first to respond with an issue that needed our prayers. Conversations with Gary quickly turned towards his problems, and he always had a problem. Gary was an addict, addicted to attention. People began to resent…

  • No Perfect People

    I write on this blog about everyday. Sometimes, it may seem like I don’t struggle… Like I don’t face daily temptation, Like I never have a weak moment, Like I never fall, Like I never fail. To assume that though, would be a horrible mistake. I fall, I fail, I doubt, Just like you.…

  • Life Suckers

    Have you ever been in a place or around people that just suck the life out of you? You know, those people or places that are so negative, so self focused, and so unpleasant that you really feel like they are stealing your enthusiasm for life. Sometimes, it’s a job. Sometimes, it’s a certain…

  • 4 Questions

    1. If you had to go a year without one, which would you pick: Soft drinks or Candy? 2. Would you rather go camping or stay in a hotel? 3. What’s your blog or your favorite blog’s URL? 4. Steak or chicken?