• Voice Blog: Excellence Over Execution

    CLICK HERE TO PLAY VOICE CLIP Why do we so often forget that God desires our best not just our leftovers? Why is it so easy to forget our real purpose for living? Why is it so easy for us to get caught up in the day-to-day that we forget about eternity? I’m constantly…

  • Silence is Deadly

    I was driving home last night with my radio up and windows down. I don’t know what it was, but I had this thought… I often turn up the volume to drown out the noise. I think we all do. We realize that if all is silent around us, there’s nothing to do but…

  • 2 Elementary Leadership Principles

    I’m pretty young. I don’t have a ton of experience behind me. I haven’t been through all the wars yet. BUT, I have been through some. Some really tough ones. Here are 2 leadership principles that are really kind of elementary, but that we often forget. 1. The People Matter. There are no exceptions.…

  • Tweets From 10 Years Ago

    What would have tweets looked like had Twitter been around in the year 2000? Here are a few…. Eatin the Beanie Weenies I had stored up for Y2K. WWJD? Grabbin my Walkman, headed for a run! Just took the family to see “Cast Away.” Almost a silent film…. Camping out at the coliseum to…

  • 4 Reasons the Church is Still Alive

    1. Her groom. The Church was the one organization that Jesus founded during His 33 years on earth. He set it up to triumph. He set it up to be effective until His Father returned to take us home. The bride will always be alive because Her groom will sustain Her! 2. Her purpose.…

  • New Kid On the Block – Android Tablet

    So, I always figured that I’d get an iPad at some point to go along with my iPhone. A couple of weeks ago, I got tired of AT&T’s service and switched to an Android on Verizon. I came across this video today and it really has me thinking of diving headfirst into the Android…