• I Cheated & Got Caught

    A few Thanksgivings ago, I almost got kicked out of college. Seriously. I had a biology paper due the day before Thanksgiving break. Since I really couldn’t have cared less about biology (I still don’t), I just wanted the paper done. So, I did what any other upstanding, future ministry leader, freshman college student…

  • God Hasn’t Forgotten You!

    I sent this tweet last night. It seemed to hit a lot of people at just the right time. There are a lot of people hurting right now. You need to know: this is completely true. We need to remember… God doesn’t forget us even when it seems as if He hasn’t been near.…

  • The Coolest Browser Ever?

    Found at RockMelt.com

  • Top Tweets of the Week

    As I’ve watched tweets flow through my twitter stream this week, I’ve captured some of the best ones and put them in this post. You can do with it what you wish… @ArtieDavis: Blogged 5-Q’s-Is your vision really FROM GOD?: LINK @FocusLeadership: True leadership must be for the benefit of the followers, not the enrichment…

  • 8 on the 8’s – FOCUS

    I want to try something a little different today and hopefully for a while (we’ll see what the response is). Instead of writing my typical post, I want to write a post of 8 simple words every day of the month that ends in 8 (8th, 18th, & 28th). I’ll get it started today……

  • What AOL Does Better Than Churches

    I came across this a few days ago. I haven’t gotten an invite, so I’m not exactly sure what it’s going to look like or what it’s going to offer. I do know, though, that it looks like AOL is making an effort to re-emerge as a relevant tool. I think a lot of…