You May Be Religious If…
1. You spend more time defending a doctrine than sharing Christ. 2. You confront people about using YouVersion in church. 3. You see church as something you do and go to rather than something you are. 4. You get angrier when you hear a cuss word than when you see someone hurting. 5. You…
Black Friday Madness
My wife and I headed out early this morning to do a little black Friday shopping. Some may say we’re crazy, but it’s kinda become our little tradition. There are definitely some great deals to be had. It’s also a great test of our faith and ability to not get angry (trust me). :-)…
Video Blog: Identity Crisis
Because of our sin, we’re born with a desire to identify ourselves with something/someone. We search for it in a variety of things and people. Until we place our identity in Christ, we’ll never have lasting joy, peace, and assurance. Unfortunately, some never find their true identity and see themselves as Christ sees them……