• A Really Cheap Christmas Card

    Merry Christmas from the Pearsons! – Jonathan, Melissa, & Copper

  • Wait. NO!

    I very well could be the most impatient person in the world. I’ve never liked waiting. No matter what I have going on or how much or little I have to do, I always tend to be in a hurry. Lines don’t make me happy. Traffic makes me mad. Slow people get me frustrated.…

  • A Baby Changes Everything

    I’m not a parent yet, but I’ve heard the stories of how a newborn baby completely changes their parents’ lives as soon as they’re born. The parents’ priorities change, their time schedules change, their budgets change, their focus changes. All of a sudden they have the responsibility of a human life other than their…

  • Life & Leadership From Tim Tebow

    Like most Sunday afternoons, yesterday I sat down to watch some football… (After all, Sundays are made for church, napping, and football.) As I was flipping through the games, I came across Tim Tebow and his first start in the NFL. For those of you that don’t follow football, Tim Tebow is a verbal…

  • You Better Be Sellin What You’re Buying

    If something’s worth buying into, it’s worth bringing others along for the ride. Some of the greatest salesmen are people that were once a customer of their company. The ones that were so thrilled with what they bought that they ended up selling it. Not only are they happy customers, they’re happy salesmen. No…