• Almost Isn’t Good Enough – Wayne Elsey: Review

    Almost Isn’t Good Enough compiles Wayne Elsey’s thoughts on leadership, non-profits, and impacting the world. For those of you not familiar with Wayne, he is the founder and CEO of Soles4Souls, a non-profit organization dedicated to putting shoes on the feet of people that know nothing other than walking barefoot. Soles4Souls began as a…

  • You Can’t Fry Everything

    I love fried food….too much. When Melissa and I got a fryer a couple of Christmas’s ago, we immediately began to fry EVERYTHING. After a week or two, we started to think about how easy it is to fry something instead of cooking it the right way and the healthy way. In leadership, we…

  • Movin’ On

    So many people in the world today allow past “stuff” to effect their present progress and their future potential. And so, they’re stuck in the muck of a past mistake or a past hurt or a past broken relationship. God has so much more planned for us. In fact, that’s what He’s all about……

  • No One’s Here, Leave A Message

    Several months ago, my wife randomly entered a national radio contest for a free cruise. After she had long forgotten that she’d entered, she got a phone call telling her that out of hundreds of thousands, she’d won the cruise. So, her and a guest were leaving on January 16th. Thank God she picked…

  • Feelin Around In The Dark

    A few nights ago I had trouble going to sleep. After an hour of tossing and turning, I decided just to get up for a few minutes and try again later. Like every person awake well after their bedtime, I decided I needed something to eat. So, I grabbed the bag of M&M’s on…