• Communication With A Cause – Connecting

    From the very beginning, God created man for fellowship. For years, that meant we had to be physically present with someone in order to connect with them. Since social media has begun it’s rapid rise in popularity, we have a new way to connect with people that we would have never been able to…

  • Communication With A Cause: #SocialMedia Without the Noise

    Social media has changed the way you and I interact forever. People keep saying it’s just a fad, that it’ll just go away, but I have to believe it’s here to stay… At least it’s here long enough for us to use it to our advantage. Different people have different reasons for being involved…

  • 6 Lessons From Acts 9 (Part 2)

    Yesterday, I posted about 6 lessons I learned while reading through Acts 9 a few days ago. These are some really applicable lessons, no matter who you are or what you do. I thought they deserved a little more explanation… 1. Significant impact is often made by ordinary people with extraordinary potential. No matter…

  • 6 Leadership Lessons From Acts 9

    I was reading through Acts a few days ago and came to Acts 9. We often view this chapter as the conversion of Saul, but it has a lot more than just one event. Here are some leadership lessons I jotted down as I was reading… 1. Significant impact is often made by ordinary…

  • Every Tribe.

    Yesterday, I came across this article on CNN.com and this photo. I can’t help but think of this…. Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of…