• Here’s God’s Will for Your Life

    It’s always been  an often asked question… “What’s God’s will for my life?” In other words, the question is really this.. “What’s God’s specific plan for my life?” “What am I here for?” The question is a solid and valid question, but the answers we often come up with are less valid. People answer…

  • How Do You Tell Your Story?

    Some people tell great stories. They have a way of bringing you into their story that makes you feel like you were right beside them when it happened. Other people tell bad stories. They either leave out so many details that you wonder why they even chose to tell the story in the first…

  • More Of ______.

    Matthew 15:33 The disciples replied, “Where would we get enough food here in the wilderness for such a huge crowd?” Instead of looking at what’s in front of you, look at the capabilities of the God that is with you. You have more than you think. More than you see. More than you can…

  • You’re Not Excused

    It seems we live in a world that loves to make excuses. We make excuses for everything. Instead of taking responsibility for our own actions, we pass the blame off on someone else. Instead of confessing to a mess up, we make up a reason things went wrong. WRONG! We have to take responsibility…

  • 8 on 8’s – HEALING

    Thanks to Sandy Bowers for today’s 8 on 8.