Sleeping In
I love sleeping! It probably comes as no shock to those of you that read this post. But I love being able to sleep late and wake up feeling refreshed and re-energized. Sometimes, that just isn’t possible. Sometimes, responsibilities take over and keep me from staying in the bed as late as I’d like.…
Remember when churches used to have testimony times? Times for the congregation to give testimony to what God has been doing in their lives. The truth is, God is good. He’s been good to us. There’s certainly something that we can all testify to that God’s done in our life recently. For me, He’s…
Which Came First? Chicken or Egg?
The common question is what came first, the chicken or the egg. I lean toward the chicken since God created it, but that’s not the point of this post. The point? As Christians we have to know what comes first… Jesus or getting our actions right. A lot of Christians want the egg before…
My Confession… & Yours
We all have at least one. We rarely talk about them. We spend the majority of our time trying to hide them from others that have the same one. Insecurities. What I’m insecure about may not be what you’re insecure about. What I’m insecure about in myself may never be noticed by you. But…
How to Keep Your Secret A Secret
Rumored to be guarded 24 hours a day in a vault, the official Coca-Cola recipe has been one of the most closely kept trade secrets since the popular soft drink was concocted by medicinal chemist John Pemberton in 1886. Read more I don’t really know if Coke’s recipe has been found or if what they…