‘Therefore’ Is Where the Action Happens
The word “therefore” has to be the most ignored word in the Bible. You see, the word “therefore” is often used to transition from a teaching to an action. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in…
Link Luv (3.30.11)
I asked my folks on twitter earlier to share their best blog post of the week. What I got was a stream of great stuff from great people that I’ve never read before. Thought I’d pass some of them along here…. @katieorr22 :: 2 Fun Ways to Make Easter All About Jesus @iamanoffering :: 3 Ways…
3 Life Lessons From Angry Birds
1. If you really believe in something, you’ll give your life to see it accomplished. For those of you that have never played Angry Birds (where ya been?), the goal of the game is to shoot birds out of a sling shot and kill pigs that have buried themselves under random structures. The premise…
Life Is Like A Game of Bop It
Do you remember the hand held game “Bop It”? I loved playing Bop It as a kid. In fact, I think it’s still around (yeah, its that good!). In Bop It, the goal is to repeat a set of commands given in the game. – pull it, twist it, bop it. As the little…