3 Ways Parents Can Avoid Missing It
As a Dad, one of my biggest fears has recently been centered around missing “it.” Here’s what I mean…
The Wonder of One Day
One day I’ll start it. One day I’ll go back to school. One day, I’m gonna start working out. One day, I’ll make more time to be at home. One day, I’ll stop smoking. One day, I’ll try writing that book. One day, I’ll finally be able to enjoy life.
Remember When?
Remember when? How many times do we say that when talking with an old friend or a roommate or someone we knew in high school? We usually say it in positive light….
Who Do People Say I Am?
Matthew 16:13 / When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Can you imagine this moment for Jesus’ disciples? They’ve seen Jesus feed thousands with a couple of fish sandwiches… fish and chips basically. They’ve just heard him lecture them about…
How I’m Praying for My Son
I’m not a seasoned parent. I can’t offer tons of advice on discipline or how to raise a godly child. But, I am is a praying parent.
Leaders Answer the Questions No One Asks
My wife and I recently moved. Until we sell our house, we’re renting an apartment in Greenville, S.C. To make room for everything after downsizing from the house to a two bedroom apartment, we didn’t bring the washer and dryer. The apartment complex has a nice laundry room that is just a short walk from…