• Think You’re Insignificant? Ask These 2 Q’s

    Life can kick us in the butt. People can be cruel. Circumstances can make us feel very insignificant. If you’re there today, ask yourself these 2 questions… Who does God say I am? What does that mean for me? You matter! Remember that! What do you need to remember about God’s love today?

  • 8 on 8’s – FINISHING

    You can see all of the 8 on 8’s here.

  • Social Media Tips: 4 Keys for Your Chain

    Be Authentic There’s only one you. You’re good at being you… you’re not good at being someone else. I’ve learned that lesson several times lately. It’s important that we get that in social media. Even through your tweets or blog posts, people can tell if you’re being authentic. If they find that you aren’t…

  • When We Say Nothing

    “Saying nothing… sometimes says the most.” – Emily Dickinson Our words carry a lot of weight. Our words have the ability to tear down or build up, curse people or encourage people, speak life or speak doom, praise God or dishonor God. Our silence carries a lot of weight. Our silence, because it can…

  • When We Say Nothing

    “Saying nothing… sometimes says the most.” – Emily Dickinson Our words carry a lot of weight. Our words have the ability to tear down or build up, curse people or encourage people, speak life or speak doom, praise God or dishonor God. Our silence carries a lot of weight. Our silence, because it can…

  • LEGALISM: My Recovery From This Addiction

    I don’t know when it started, I just remember when God spoke directly to me and told me it was wrong. You see, I’m a recovering legalist. There was a time in my life when I used to think it was up to me to do all the right things. To have more check…